COVID-19 Community Update

Livingstone School
P.O. Box 98
Lundbreck, Alberta
T0K 1H0
Phone: (403) 628-3897
Fax: (403) 628-2559
March 20, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians:
It has been just over a week since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and we all continue to try to make sense of our new realities. We are in unprecedented, rapidly changing times, that we are all trying to navigate through. I know your families are all experiencing your own unique challenges, and I want all of you to know that our thoughts are with you through this difficult time.
Throughout the week it has been difficult to process everything going on in the world, along with what a new school approach may look like. Having the opportunity to see some of you on Wednesday brought everyone feelings of happiness and joy, and a small window of time to reconnect with members of our community that we care so much about. Unfortunately the day also brought feelings of sadness for our staff, at the prospect of potentially not seeing our students for a significant amount of time. At the end of the day, I was left with the feeling that the Livingstone School community is strong and resilient, which you could feel in the building, and that we will all get through this together.
What is school going to look like? That has been the question all week, as we have been working hard on planning and preparing learning activities and responding to rapidly changing directives from health experts and the government of Alberta. Through it all, our amazing staff has remained positive, supported each other, and collaborated on innovative approaches towards providing engaging learning in an alternative format. I can promise you that we are all more than ready to move forward and support your learning in a new way. No matter the delivery, at Livingstone it will always be personal.
Teachers and administration will be reconnecting with all of you in the coming days. We have been given the go ahead to resume programming for grades 7-12 on Monday, March 23 and for grades K-6 on Wednesday, March 25. We are a strong community, and will continue to be through these uncertain
times. Take care of yourselves and your families.
Mr. Chad Jensen