Off Campus Programs

Dear Grade 10 and 11 parents/guardians/students,
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits!
I am writing to let you know that high school students can earn credits towards their graduation diploma by participating in off campus programs. Students can sign up at any time.
Attached, please find three documents: One outlines the off campus programs that high school students are eligible to participate in and earn credits from; the second is a work experience registration package and the third is the Green Certificate registration forms.
If your son or daughter is planning to work this summer or wanting to earn a Green Certificate please have them complete the registration forms in full, including all the necessary signatures, and return them to Mr. Taylor at at your earliest convenience.
If students are interested in the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) they can contact John for more information and how to register.
I look forward to fielding questions and receiving your registration forms!
Take care and have a wonderful summer,John
John TaylorOff Campus CoordinatorLivingstone Range School DivisionCell: 403-432-0212 or 403-339-1590
****Please Contact Mr. Taylor for more information and Registration Packages