Back to School Plan Fall 2020

Dear Livingstone School Families,
We are very excited to welcome students and families back to school for the 2020-21 School Year!
Our school administration team has been busy working to develop plans and procedures to help keep students and staff safe upon returning to school. We recognize that some of these procedures may be challenging for students to become familiar with. In an effort to have a successful re-opening, we would like to inform you of a few items that may help your child and family have a smoother transition back to school.
Click on the following link to view the Livingstone School Re-Entry Plan:
CLASS CHANGES- due to a high number of students opting for at-home learning in division II, we have made the decision to combine our in-school Grade 5 and Grade 6 students into one cohort. Ms. Leishman will be serving these students.
Daily At-Home Health Screening - All families are encouraged to become familiar with the COVID 19 Screening Questionnaire anyone entering the school will be required to complete this screening questionnaire prior to entering the building.
School Supply lists can be found on our School Website at In addition to the supplies for each grade, please remember that each student in grades 4-6 will be required to wear masks (Alberta Government will be providing each child with 2 reusable masks, but you may want to consider purchasing a few extras as well). Mask wearing is optional but highly recommended for students in grades K-3, so we are asking that you send a mask to school with them as well. In addition, please plan to send your child with a reusable water bottle to limit the use of drinking from the water fountains.
At Home Learning - for those families who have indicated that they will begin the year with the At-Home Learning Option - the school/school division will be in contact with you in the next week or two to share information regarding this programming.
FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL - We are also asking families to consider returning to school according to an optional Staggered-Start Plan. If possible, we are asking families to consider attending as follows:
Families whose last name begins with the letters A-H to attend school on Tuesday, September 1st
Families whose last name begins with the letter J-O to attend school on Wednesday, September 2nd
Families whose last name begins with the letter P-Z to attend school on Thursday, September 3rd
All students would then begin attending regularly as of Friday, September 4th, Monday through Friday, for the remainder of the school year.
This Staggered-Start would be completely optional. It would allow us to work with smaller groups of students to help everyone understand the changes in expectations and routines around our school for the upcoming year. These smaller numbers will also help reduce anxieties that some may feel after an extended absence from our building. If you would prefer to send your child(ren) regularly beginning Tuesday, September 1st, we will be prepared to welcome them to the school.
**Please Note - with the exception of Kindergarten, parents/guardians will not be able to accompany children into the school on the First Day(s) of School**
Daily Arrival At School - In order to limit the number of students entering and exiting the school at the same time, we are asking families to consider daily arrival times as follows:
Bus students will continue to arrive as per their bussing route and will enter the school at the first bell (8:30)
Non-Bus students are encouraged to arrive at 8:33 (or slightly later) and make their way directly to their assigned entrance.
Daily Dismissal from School - In order to limit the number of students exiting the school at the same time, we will be releasing students in waves, as follows:
Students being driven will be released at approximately 3:20
Busses will run as scheduled
First wave bus students will be released at approximately 3:25
Second wave bus students will be released at approximately 3:30
Students walking will be released at 3:30 (regular dismissal)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the school 403-628-3897 or by emailing Sarah Holmgren - or Eliza Grose-
We look forward to welcoming you back!