Livingstone School Kiss 'n Go

Livingstone School Kiss ‘n Go Student Drop Off
In an effort to reduce the amount of traffic during our morning arrival and after school dismissal, we are implementing a student drop off area. If you are driving your child to school, please use this area, as we are asking that parents do not stop in front of the school.
When you come to drop off your child, please pull into the staff parking lot using the north entrance (on first street).
A supervisor (usually Ms. Holmgren) will be there to open your door and help your child(ren) out.
Students will then go to their assigned entrances via the basketball courts (all doors will be marked).
Please arrive between 3:30 and 4:00.
Do not enter the parking lot until a supervisor is present.
Be aware of our students who are walking home.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we work to keep our roads safe for all students.