Chief Medical Officer of Health Letter to Parents

Alberta's Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, shared a letter to parents at the start of the school year. Dated September 3, 2020, the letter addresses adjusting to living with COVID-19, the public health measures that schools are following, clarification on the use of masks, and supporting mental health. Click here to read Dr. Hinshaw's full letter. The letter is posted in multiple languages on
Our school and Livingstone Range School Division are working closely with Alberta Education and Alberta Health Services to follow the public health safety measures including cleaning and sanitizing our school, cohorting and masking protocols, and assisting with contact tracing should a confirmed case of COVID-19 occur in our school.
We agree with Dr. Hinshaw that as we work together, we can keep everyone safe. Visit our Re-Entry 2020 Resources page for more information about how LRSD is trying to do just that.