Granum Fire Academy

Is your student interested in a career in the health care, emergency first responder, or firefighter fields?
The Granum Fire Academy is a 2-year program where Grade 11 & 12 students can earn high school credits while learning & developing skills that transfer to careers such as nurse, emergency medical technician, paramedic, or firefighter. Students may choose to enroll in one year or two years of the program.
Friday afternoons from 1:30 to 4:30pm, students learn and train at Granum School, the Granum Firehall, and soon from the future M.D. of Willow Creek training facility. Certified instructors teach these courses over the 2 years:
Medical First Response
- Offered once each semester (2022-2023 school year)
- Minimum 4 high school credits
- First Aid certification
- Preparation for college-level EMT course
- Full-year course (2023-2024 school year)
- Minimum 8 high school credits
- Level 1 Firefighter certification
- Includes live fire training
The cost of the program is $100 per course for a total of $200, and includes certification, testing, GFA shirts, bunker gear. Granum Fire Academy is limited to 12 students per semester.
Interested in learning more? Join our virtual information session on Monday, April 4, 6-7pm. Click this link to join the session.
If you're ready to register now for the 2022-2023 school year, send an email to indicating which semester you prefer for the Medical First Reponse course.