Career Planning Sessions for Families

Parents and students face fear and uncertainty as they navigate the journey "beyond high school". Our LRSD Career Practitioners want to ease that stress by providing current information and ideas to assist parents in painlessly mentoring their students throughout their K-12 programming.
November is Canada Career Month and this year's national theme is "It's Possible/C'est Possible." We have designed three free online sessions to help LRSD families learn more about Career Development and what is possible for our students today. You may choose to participate in one, two, or all three sessions.
- Wednesday, November 3, 7-8pm - "It's Possible to painlessly guide your student in their career development journey!"
- Wednesday, November 17, 7-8pm - "It's Possible to assist in planning a fulfilling and safe GAP year"
- Wednesday, November 24, 7-8pm - "It's Possible to access scholarships and avoid crushing student debt!" (note, this is the same workshop previously offered entitled "It Doesn't Grow on Trees")
Upon registration, you will receive an email with the connection details for the session(s) you wish to attend.