COVID-19 Notification and Dashboard

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff,
On October 5, 2021 the Alberta Government announced that it would reinstate contact tracing and notification in schools for confirmed cases of COVID-19. Beginning this week, Alberta Health Services (AHS) began notifying our School Division of confirmed cases of COVID-19.
The school will notify those impacted directly as a close contact of an AHS-confirmed case who attended school while infectious. Students and staff without symptoms are not required to isolate or quarantine due to potential exposure.
The following directives from AHS and CMOH Order 48-2021 only apply for Kindergarten to Grade 6 classes: during any 5-day period where 3 or more members of a class cohort are confirmed COVID-19 cases, unvaccinated members of the class cohort will be moved to at-home learning for a 10-day period. There is no similar requirement for Grades 7-12 at this time.
In order to help families and staff have easy access to active case numbers, we have developed a COVID-19 Dashboard. This webpage provides a summary of AHS-confirmed active cases which impact our schools and is updated at the end of each workday. According to AHS guidelines, active cases expire 10 calendar days from when the individual was last present at school.
You may wish to visit the Alberta COVID-19 School Status webpage for more information about school status classification and the provincial school outbreak alert list.
We thank you for continuing to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms using the Alberta Health Daily Checklist and staying home when you are ill. We also thank our excellent caretaking staff for additional cleaning and disinfecting in our schools to help keep everyone safe. Together we can help ensure students continue to benefit from in-person learning experiences in a safe environment.
Darryl Seguin
Superintendent of Schools