How Do You Define Student Success?

Being a school division, student academics is inherent to our purpose as we teach literacy, numeracy, science, social studies, physical education, and more. But in order to truly realize our vision of “Every student, every day” we seek to educate the whole child and go beyond academic competency.
We invite students, parents, and staff to help us determine what else - beyond academics - means “success” for our students. From February 8 to 14, we want to hear your thoughts and feelings about this question:
“In addition to academic achievement, how do you define student success in Livingstone Range School Division?”
What are we doing well? What new things could we start to promote additional types of success? What does student success look like and how will we know when we’re achieving it?
Using our online Thoughtexchange tool, share your best ideas and rate the ideas of others. Then together we will use the top themes to help determine priority areas for a broader definition of student success. Your input will affect how we develop budgets and evaluation measures that align with our Mission, Vision, and Core Values.