It's Possible: Career Planning Sessions for Families

“It's Possible!” career sessions for LRSD families are proving popular! Lettie Croskery and Christy Bazell, our LRSD Career Practitioner team, have wrapped up the first of three workshops offered during the month of November to celebrate Canada Career Month.
“With close to thirty parents registering for all three sessions initially, we are definitely encouraged to know that parents are really interested in expanding their own knowledge of career development in order to assist their students in their decision making!” says Lettie Croskery, who presented the first “It’s painlessly guide your teen in their career development journey” session on November 3.
Statistics show that parents are a main source of information for students when they embark on their career decision-making. For some, that’s a daunting position to be in, particularly when parents are not familiar with current admission practices for post-secondary education, opportunities for fulfilling gap years, and what resources are available to assist students in avoiding crushing student debt. These sessions will help parents and students feel knowledgeable and empowered to face career planning.
A parent who attended the first session had this to say about their experience: “The length of the session was great, the info was relevant and interesting and Lettie and Christy both have great personalities that come through in the presentation.”
Our two upcoming sessions are taking place as follows, and YES, there is time and space to register and take part in these virtual sessions!
- Wednesday, November 17, 7-8pm - "It's Possible to assist in planning a fulfilling and safe GAP year" (featuring guest speaker, Michelle Dittmer, President of the Canadian Gap Year Association)
- Wednesday, November 24, 7-8pm - "It's Possible to access scholarships and avoid crushing student debt!" (note, this is the same workshop previously offered entitled "It Doesn't Grow on Trees" and features our guest speakers Lacey Klassen, Certified Financial Planner, Financial Health Associates and Elle Westrop, Awards Advisor, University of Lethbridge.
Upon registration, you will receive an email with the connection details for the session(s) you wish to attend.