LRSD Will Explore 4-Day School Week

The Board of Trustees has asked LRSD Senior Administration to explore the option and logistics of moving students to a 4-day school week. The decision came after reviewing the results of the "Adjusted School Week Interest Survey." The survey, which ran from March 8 to 12, 2021, invited staff and parents to express their interest in adjusting the school week calendar.
Three hundred thirty-two staff and 1,412 parents/guardians participated in the survey, which asked respondents to select all that apply:
- I prefer the current school week with shortened Fridays.
- I am interested in the Board of Trustees exploring students attending school 4 days per week.
- I am interested in the Board of Trustees exploring students attending school 5 full days each week.
Staff responded with 197 votes for a 4-day week, 185 votes for keeping the current schedule, 29 votes for a 5-day week.
Parents/guardians responded with 652 votes for a 4-day week, 651 votes for keeping the current schedule, and 352 votes for a 5-day week.
Based on the results, there was not sufficient interest to explore what a 5-day week would look like, but the Trustees felt there was enough interest in a 4-day week to look into it.
Senior Administration will report back in September with the options for a 4-day school week for students, including instructional hours, class lengths, bus schedule, holidays, and other considerations.
Thank you to all staff and parents/guardians who participated in the survey in March.