Pre-Employment Program for Students

Grades 7-12 students: do you want to learn how to find a job that you like, prepare a resume, and practice interview questions?
Career Launch is a pre-employment program offered by Boys and Girls Clubs of the Foothills that helps youth ages 13 -18 prepare for employment.
LRSD Career Practitioner Lettie Croskery says the program is an excellent resource for students. "Competition for part-time and summer jobs can be stiff, particularly for younger students seeking their first paid work experience," says Lettie. "The Career Launch FREE online program will help students learn how to best prepare for job opportunities both now and in the future!"
Career Launch helps youth develop vital pre-employment skills, access job hunting resources, discover how to align their interests with a future career, and explore a range of career options. Students will also be given the opportunity to create and understand short- and long-term employment goals.
This free virtual program begins on March 7 and will run for 6 weeks on Sundays at 1:00pm.
The students will get the chance to prepare a resume, cover letter, and fill out job application forms, as well as practice interview questions, time management, communication skills, and good hygiene, and appropriate dress code in the workplace.
Register Today! Email Shelby Savage at