School Year Plan (COVID-19 Strategy)

This letter from Board Chair Lori Hodges and Superintendent Darryl Seguin introduces the Livingstone Range School Division 2021-2022 School Year Plan (COVID-19 Strategy).
August 26, 2021
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff,
Livingstone Range School Division welcomes our staff and students back to near-normal operations for the 2021-2022 school year. On Tuesday, August 31 our 14 schools, 13 Hutterite Colony Schools, and Virtual School will be filled with excitement and anticipation for the start of a new school year. As always, the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff is our top priority.
The Board of Trustees and Senior Administration have carefully reviewed the Alberta 2021-2022 School Year Plan and have determined to use this document as the basis for our own LRSD 2021-2022 School Year Plan and COVID-19 strategy.
We believe this Plan will allow students and staff to have a safe and successful learning experience this year. The Plan will be updated as needed, as we adhere to the guidelines and directions from the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Alberta Health Services, and Alberta Education. Throughout the year, we will continue to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, communicate with our stakeholders, and deliver high-quality education to all students.
Thank you for all that you do to support Livingstone Range School Division’s vision of “Every student, every day.” Working together for the physical, intellectual, and emotional wellness of our students we can make 2021-2022 our best school year yet.
Lori Hodges, Chair, Board of Trustees
Darryl Seguin, Superintendent of Schools