Seeking Livingstone Ski Academy Home Stay Families for 2020-2021

The Livingstone Ski Academy is currently seeking Home-stay families for the 2020-2021 school year. Hosting an international student is a great way to introduce cultural diversity and learning in your home. There are 4 students, 14 years of age and will be in Grade 10.
- Male - likes volleyball and hiking. Is outgoing, friendly and competitive. Wants to live in town and with no other international student. Likes pets, plays piano, and enjoys reading and music.
- Female - likes skiing, riding and golfing. Is organized and intellectual. Is okay with living out of town. Enjoys family time and likes music, friends and movies.
- Male - allergic to cats and plants. Plays soccer, football, and hunting. Is family orientated, independent and cooperative. Wants to live in town. Likes video games, movies and TV. Is a twin.
- Male - Likes soccer, rugby and hanging with friends. Is talkative, outgoing and friendly. Likes cats and dogs. Likes to play video games and work with computers. Is a twin.
If you are thinking that this is something that you are interested in doing please contact the school.