Student Success Plan Meets Student Needs & Stakeholder Priorities

Our vision, “Every student, every day” includes a holistic approach to educating the whole child and a belief that every student can be successful. As part of the Livingstone Range School Division 2021-2024 Education Plan, we have developed a Student Success Plan 2021-2024 to help ensure all students have opportunities to succeed.
In February 2021 the LRSD Board of Trustees invited staff, students, parents, and community members to share their thoughts about the question, “In addition to academic achievement, how do you define student success in Livingstone Range School Division?” From that feedback, it became clear that student success included being engaged in their learning, having safe and caring school environments, and offering opportunities to develop 21st century knowledge, skills, and attributes - what some may call “life skills.”
With these three theme areas leading the way, we developed a Student Success Plan that captures things we’re already doing and things we can start doing to ensure each student is included, engaged, and prepared. Over the next three years we will use this Plan to guide decisions at the Division level, in schools, and in classrooms to help every student be successful.
We will measure how we’re doing using various survey tools and feedback from stakeholders, then analyze the results and adjust our strategies to provide timely and relevant support.
Each student and each staff member will receive a brochure of our Student Success Plan and a summary card. These are tangible reminders of what each of us can do every day to work toward our goals. Throughout the school year we will look for evidence of success and share our stories and photos of students actively participating in engaged learning; safe and caring schools; and 21st century knowledge, skills, and attributes.
Families, your support and involvement will be important in helping every student succeed. We’re excited for the possibilities!
Read our full Student Success Plan 2021-2024.