Superintendent Update for Parents - March 17, 2020

To: All Parents/Guardians
From: Darryl Seguin, Superintendent
Unprecedented and uncharted. We’re hearing these words a lot lately. In my 27 years as an educator, I’ve never seen anything like what we’re experiencing with COVID-19. It certainly is remarkable.
As per Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s recommendations, Alberta Education has now suspended classes at all Alberta schools indefinitely. Regular classes in all Livingstone Range School Division schools are suspended, no buses will be running, and all students should stay at home.
The Minister of Education has made it clear that this interruption of classes will not impact progression of students to the next grade or graduation of our Grade 12 students.
As we do not know how long classes will be suspended, we want to provide opportunities for students to pick up their personal belongings. Your school will be in touch with you on these details in the days ahead.
Yesterday the Associate Superintendents and I were on a call with the Ministry of Education and we are working on a plan for education continuity that will be consistent across the province. We’ve been asked to carefully take the time necessary to develop a plan that will work in the best interest of our students.
Our staff are working and planning for what lies ahead. The schools are very quiet, and students are already missed by administrators, teachers, and staff.
As we work out the many details of what education in Livingstone Range School Division looks like in the coming weeks and months, we will continue to keep parents informed. You can expect an additional update early in the week of March 23rd.
Thank you for your support and patience during these challenging times. Make sure to wash your hands and make sure to take care of each other. We’re all in this unprecedented time together, and together we really can do amazing things.
Darryl Seguin
Superintendent, Livingstone Range School Division