Video Update
Posted on June 4 2020Check out Mr. Jensen's Video Message.
Check out Mr. Jensen's Video Message.
To: All Parents/GuardiansFrom: Darryl Seguin, Superintendent With only four weeks of the 2019-2020 school year left to go, many of us are thinking of what next school year might be like. I would like…
Dear Families, We hope you are staying well and taking care of each other during this time. Although we don't know for sure what classes will look like in the fall, we look forward to learning and working…
PLEASE NOTE! If your child was registered in our school last year, you are not required to complete a new registration form. We ask that you notify the school if any contact information has changed. …
June 22 will be the last day of direct instruction for students in Livingstone Range School Division. This applies to all elementary, junior high, and senior high students. Teachers and staff will continue…
On April 30, 2020 Premier Jason Kenney announced that schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic year. The focus up to this point in time has been to continue to provide basic education to…
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, its uncertainty and gathering restrictions, and erring on the side of caution and safety for students and staff, the Livingstone Range School Division Board of Trustees and…
Thinking about growing a veggie Garden? Now’s the time to start your own garden...for FREE! Cowley Lions, with some gardening friends met at the Pincher Creek Annex to put together some free seed…
Congratulations to the Class of 2020! Even though our celebration is delayed, we are thinking about you and missing you today!! Keep safe and healthy! Here they are the Graduating Class of 2020! …
Kindergarten teacher Eliza Grose teaches us about learning in everyday situations and finding joy no matter what our circumstances. Check out her spotlight to read more about one of Livingstone School's…
My child seems a bit blue; what I can do to help her? Is it normal for my son to be sleeping more than usual? As a student, I don't want anything to do with online learning; can I just quit this year…
The Spring 2020 Provincial Budget's impact on Livingstone Range School Division means the Division will need to cut $2 million from our operating budget over the next 3 years. Despite changes to our funding,…
The Livingstone Range School Division Board of Trustees is seeking two (2) members at large to serve on its Audit Committee. The purpose of the audit committee is to assist the Board and the Superintendent…
By Lettie Croskery, LRSD Career Practitioner What is your favourite “MONEY” themed song of all time? Mine is the Flying Lizards 1979 rendition of “Money” (...that’s what I want!). The simple…
Student assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. The decisions made in assessment are critical to informing instructional decisions and enhancing student learning. Due to the…
Help for Parents Thank you to all parents and guardians of students at Livingstone School who are doing so much to support your kids during this unusual time. We know there are many challenges facing…
Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Sarah Holmgren has been selected as the new Principal and Eliza Grose as the new Assistant Principal for Livingstone School in Lundbreck.…
As parents, students, and families adjust to new conditions and learning environments because of COVID-19, we want everyone to stay well physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Our professionals…
To: All Parents/GuardiansFrom: Jeff Perry, Associate Superintendent, Business Services Since the announcement on March 15, 2020 by the Minister of Education in which onsite classes were suspended for…
Livingstone School has started a new YouTube Channel please check out the link daily for updates! Hello Livingstone community! We are looking for pictures or short video clips of our students as they…