Education Continuity Plan

To: All Parents/Guardians
From: Darryl Seguin, Superintendent
The COVID-19 impact on students, families, and society is profound, and constantly changing. Each day I am working with Alberta Education and provincial colleagues to assess the situation and guide our school administrators and staff with a plan for our students.
While the situation is constantly evolving, I promise that Livingstone Range School Division will do our very best to help students continue their education.
Today I am pleased to announce the beginning steps in our Education Continuity Plan. The overview is provided here. Specific information for your child’s learning will come from your school and teachers in the coming days.
We continue to determine the skills and outcomes that are most essential for each grade. In general, our initial plan involves the following:
- Kindergarten-Grade 3 will focus on literacy and numeracy
- Grades 4-6 will focus on literacy and numeracy and will extend to include science and social studies
- Grades 7-9 will focus on literacy and numeracy and will extend to all core subjects
- Grades 10-12 will focus on core subjects
Learning will be a blend of online and offline experiences. Some families in our division will require additional resources to access online learning, and we will work with those families to help ensure students can access their course work. Families who do not have internet access should contact their school for alternative means of programming.
Each school will determine the best way to deliver curriculum and assessments, and teachers are encouraged to collaborate and plan jointly to provide the highest level of service.
Your child’s teacher or school will contact you with further details.
Parents will play a key role in their child’s learning, including:
- Ensuring your child is aware of procedures and instructions
- Monitoring technology use to ensure your child is adhering to the Digital Citizenship and E-Learning expectations
- Ensuring your child is completing work by due dates
- Reaching out to the school for guidance and support if your child is struggling
- Contacting your child’s teacher if you have questions
We anticipate that students in Grades 7-12 will begin their Education Continuity Plan starting on Monday, March 23, and that Kindergarten-Grade 6 students will begin their work on Wednesday, March 25.
Our Curriculum Support team is in place to help staff as they plan and deliver learning in a way that supports student progress and achievement.
We know this is a huge shift for everyone and we’re grateful for the support of parents and families. Thank you for your patience while we work to adapt to this new chapter in education.
Look for more information in the coming days from your school. Until then, wash your hands, stay home, enjoy extra family time and remember to smile.
Darryl Seguin
Superintendent, Livingstone Range School Division