New Principal Profile

To: Staff, School Council & Parents – Livingstone School
From: Darryl Seguin, Superintendent
Date: March 11, 2020
Reference: New Principal - Profile
As you may know we have begun recruiting for a new principal at Livingstone School for the 2020-21 school year.
We would appreciate your input in helping define the desired qualities for the new principal, and we will factor that into our deliberations during the selection process.
The following three questions may help focus your thinking in this regard, although you may certainly include any other points that come to mind:
1) What are the current needs within your school community?
2) What professional and personal qualities are important for the new principal to possess?
3) What advice would you offer to the new principal?
This could be done by the school council as a whole, or individually, depending on your preferences. However, I would like to know if the response is from the whole council or just an individual member.
In order to allow sufficient time to use the profile in short-listing candidates and preparing for interviews, I am requesting a response by Monday March 23, 2020. The enclosed form can be used, if you wish, to assist in your response.
I look forward to receiving your suggestions.
Darryl Seguin
Principal Profile Information
School: Livingstone School
Please summarize your responses to the following questions as you provide input as to the desired qualities for the new principal at your school.
- What are the current needs within your school community?
- What professional and personal qualities are important for the new principal to possess?
- What advice would you offer to the new principal?
- Other comments:
- Is this response being done by an individual or a group? Individual ⬜ Group ⬜
If group, please indicate which group:
Please fax to Darryl Seguin, Superintendent at 403-553-0370, email at, or return to Central Office by Monday March 23, 2020 (Include additional pages if required.)